Child Parent interaction in Korea
1. Introduction
- The data is collected from PISA(Programme for International Student Assessment).
- Country: Korea
- Students’ age: HighSchool 1stGrade
- A fosterer has responded to several questionnaire. And this report analyzes data obtained from those questionnaire.
- Explanation of variables
- Early : Child regularly attended prior to <grade 1 in ISCED 1>: Early childhood educational development […] 0: No, 1: Yes
- Care :
, participation hindered: I had no one to take care of my child/ children. 0: There was no one, 1: There was someone - Parent : Who will complete this questionnaire? 0: Father, 1: Mother
- Talk : Activities with your child, how often: Spend time just talking to my child 1: Never or hardly ever 2: Once or twice a year 3: Once or twice a month 4: Once or twice a week 5: Every day or almost every day
- Lastly, this report is to analyze the relationship among ‘Talk’, ‘Early’, ‘Care’, ‘Parent’.
2. Eploratory Data Analysis
## # A tibble: 11 x 5
## Early Care Parent Talk n
## <int> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <int>
## 1 0 NA NA NA 1011
## 2 1 NA NA NA 4382
## 3 NA 0 NA NA 687
## 4 NA 1 NA NA 4706
## 5 NA NA 0 NA 828
## 6 NA NA 1 NA 4565
## 7 NA NA NA 1 31
## 8 NA NA NA 2 62
## 9 NA NA NA 3 569
## 10 NA NA NA 4 2222
## 11 NA NA NA 5 2509
3. Selecting Model
Proportional and Unproportional
fit1 <- vglm(cbind(Never, Year, Month, Week, Day)~ Early + Care + Parent,
family = cumulative(parallel = TRUE), data = rdata)
fit2 <- vglm(cbind(Never, Year, Month, Week, Day)~ Early + Care + Parent,
family = cumulative(parallel = FALSE), data = rdata)
\(\Delta\chi^2=Deviance_{proportional}-Deviance_{unproportional}\) = 11061.27-11051.1=10.17
\(df=df_{proportional}-df_{unproportional}\) = 21565-21556=9
\(\chi^2_{.05}(9)\) = 16.9189776 Since 16.9189776 > 10.17, choose proportional model.
Dropping ‘Early’
fit_without_Early <- vglm(cbind(Never, Year, Month, Week, Day)~ Care + Parent,
family = cumulative(parallel = TRUE), data = rdata)
\(\Delta\chi^2=Deviance_{without Early}-Deviance_{proportional}\) = 11061.35-11061.27=0.08
\(df=df_{without Early}-df_{proportional}\) = 21566-21565=1
\(\chi^2_{.05}(1)\) = 3.8414588 Since 3.8414588 > 0.08, choose model without ‘Early’.
4. Model
- Model : \[logit{P(Y_{Talk}\le j)}=\alpha_j+\beta_1X_{Care}+\beta_2X_{Parent}\]
That is, \(logit{P(Y_{Talk}\le j)}=\alpha_j-0.35023X_{Care}-0.80328X_{Parent},\) \(where \alpha_{Never}= -4.22657, \alpha_{Year}= -3.11453, \alpha_{Month}= -1.02188, \alpha_{Week}= 1.13272 .\) Since \(\beta_1<0\), when there is someone to take care of the child(i.e., \(X_{Care}=1\)), \(p(having more time to talk)\) increases. Since \(\beta_2<0\), when the mother of the child responded to the questionnaire(i.e., \(X_{Parent}=1\)), \(p(having more time to talk)\) increases.
5. Discussion
The result implies that the exsistence of child care which is indicated by Care is related to child-parent interaction, and implies that gender of the respondent of the questionnaire which is indicated by Parent is related to child-parent interaction. It is suggested that further study should be conducted for discovering the reasons that why only 0.1440714% of the respondents responded that there is no one to take care of their child and why only 0.1813801% of the respondents was father.